Monday Morning Music Ministry

Start Your Week with a Spiritual Song in Your Heart

How To Be Hated, Yet Happy


When I was younger I was part of the “Love Generation.” Or so I was told. It did not seem so at the time. Without answering the burning question “How old is Marschall???” I will just say that it was during the era of campus unrest, street riots, assassinations, political turmoil, and protests. 

I thought then, and think now, that the generation’s “Love” kind of passed me by. I gratefully recognize now that society has calmed down, matured, and gotten to a point where love, not hate, now prevails. I direct the jury’s attention to today’s spate of campus unrest, street riots, assassinations, political turmoil, and protests. In my best broken French I will say, Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose – The more things change, the more they stay the same.

This rule of life is… a rule of life. Recent archaeological discoveries reveal tremendous engineering achievements in what we otherwise call “pre-history,” by unknown peoples and forgotten civilizations. Ancient societies might not have had video games and fast food, but many of our ancestors assayed the stars, produced fine art, and were sophisticated in their understanding of human nature. (I wish we understood humans half as well.)

Of course this applies to Revealed Truth as well, in fact better than any other applications. God’s Word has never changed. You are near, Oh Lord, and all Your commandments are true (Psalm 119:151). His Words are true, cannot change, must be righteous, and beneficial, in all times and in all places. He would not be God otherwise. Our tastes change – styles of music, forms of worship, flavors of ice cream – but if there is anything we need in life, it is the constancy, reliability, and integrity of God’s Word.

… the “good with the bad.” Of course I cannot suggest anything is “bad” about God’s Word and his commandments and promises. But – back to understanding “human nature” – we bristle at some things. Inconvenient truths. Rules of conduct and morality. Warnings about disobedience; sinning.

One thing that the “world,” and many Christians, do not well understand – or maybe do not want to understand – is that once we become Children of God, accept Jesus, and follow those Commandments the best we can… the promise of paradise seems to grow dimmer, or further away. Heaven will be our home, but “Heaven on Earth?” It is not promised in the Bible.

In fact, just the opposite is promised, predicted, and prophesied. The Bible’s many heroes and heroines comprise a gallery of persecution. Hebrews Chapter 11 is nicknamed the Hall of Fame of Faith – names of many saints and noble souls who endured much… and never reached their various Promised Lands. We honor them, but they sustained calumny, abuse, and rejection in their days.

Jesus Himself told His disciples, and, through them, us that we can expect such treatment. From the world, from society, even our families. He went further: He said the world would hate us. And He drove home the point by saying that if the world will hate us (and if we cannot understand such treatment), we must remember that the world hated Him first. And worse. To the point past persecution, abuse, rejection, betrayal, and slander; the world hated Him to death.

As we navigate this life, through this world, how willing are we to withstand opposition? Mild, wouldn’t you say, compared to what Jesus endured?… what His followers through the years faced?… Friends and family, Jesus told us, might become as enemies in their hatred toward us.

These reminders are harsh, but remember that God’s Word does not change. Whether the issues are the election’s; or the family squabbles are about your values and life choices; or… anything at all, God’s Word did not allow for loopholes. No free passes. No rule changes late in the game.

The world hates us. Sorry, Christians – you will experience many blessings, but if you are true disciples, you will also go through hell on earth. If the world, the devil, and evil people leave you alone, you might not be doing your job as a follower of Christ. If it were not so, He would have told you. So… have a fun election, and a good Thanksgiving get-together, and some robust debates. Heaven does await. The “Love Generation” – Eternity – will be ours.

+ + +
Click: Tulsi Gabbard sings ‘Amazing Grace’ With Her Parents

Category: Faith, Life, Trust

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One Response

  1. Mark Dittmar says:

    To which I might add…

    the Lord cares for you, so cast your cares on him.

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About The Author

... Rick Marschall is the author of 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles in many fields, from popular culture (Bostonia magazine called him "perhaps America's foremost authority on popular culture") to history and criticism; country music; television history; biography; and children's books. He is a former political cartoonist, editor of Marvel Comics, and writer for Disney comics. For 20 years he has been active in the Christian field, writing devotionals and magazine articles; he was co-author of "The Secret Revealed" with Dr Jim Garlow. His biography of Johann Sebastian Bach for the “Christian Encounters” series was published by Thomas Nelson. He currently is writing a biography of the Rev Jimmy Swaggart and his cousin Jerry Lee Lewis. Read More