Monday Morning Music Ministry

Start Your Week with a Spiritual Song in Your Heart

You Have a Relationship with Jesus,Whether You Know It Or Not.


We all have a way of anesthetizing ourselves about things in life – and not only the unpleasant matters. We “go through hell” after this or that experience; and we describe a “little taste of Heaven” when something sweet happens.

In truth, whether you think a bit, or read Scripture, we have no conception of how horrible hell will be, or how rapturous Heaven will be. Why do we humans want to avoid warnings and lessons, and under-appreciate the rewards and blessings that we will meet.

Ah, skeptics may say: it is all metaphoric anyway. We don’t believe, deep down, that there is a Heaven or a hell, they say.

Good luck playing those odds. You will find out; or maybe you won’t. But those kinds of bets – about your life; your soul; your place in eternity – are awful tools with which to navigate your existence. The choices you make. The effects you have on others. The joy you may experience; or not.

There is a God, of course. He did not create robots but children with free will, and with that freedom we choose to defy Him, resist Him often, and sin against His ways. He still loved us (while we rebelled, in fact) and offered His earthly Incarnation, Jesus, to be a sacrifice for sin on our behalf. And if we still rebel, He allows us to believe in that “sin offering,” Jesus, who He overcame death as we can do, in order to be reconciled and deserve a place in that Heaven we mentioned above. Even more, He provides His Holy Spirit to work in our lives to enlighten our way and strengthen our faith.

The simple Gospel. What about that deal, how about those odds?

Yet many people reject God and such a salvation (in spite of the alternative, the “hell” that people risk). There are uncountable ways to reject God… or a million excuses. And there are uncountable options people cling too, ridiculously desperate to find the alternative to Jesus Christ. False gods; dashed hopes; pagan rites; bizarre rituals; broken promises; disproved theories; silly philosophies. And – of course – many plausible philosophies and logical-sounding “faiths.” And let’s not forget the many people who actually admit that their lives’ standards are likely baseless but “they work for them.” They’ll wake up dead some day, having deluded themselves and maybe kept from being awful neighbors… but left the world no better. And, tragically, wasted their lives.

Using words like “uncountable” ways and “millions” of excuses, I want to remind us that on the “God side” of such discussions there are not myriad ways to Heaven. Salvation is not a multiple-choice quiz. All of God’s great workings with humanity points to one Messiah. His revealed Word asserts that Jesus is the only way to eternal life. Jesus claimed it Himself.

There are no loopholes.

People might seek in vain – they do; they have – and, well, we get back to Playing the Odds. How tragic. History is replete with people who think they have discovered a better way; who think, frankly, that they are smarter then God. Lots of folks are smarter than I am, but show me someone who is smarter than God.

Is it arrogant for people like me to believe such things, and to plead with others to believe them? Naw, I just peek at the cheat sheets – the Bible; the testimony of saints (that is, average people who have met the Savior); the accounts of miracles; the smiles of babies; the eyes of the healed; the changed lives. My own changed life.

Those are ways God “proves” Himself. To skeptics reading this – or Christians who might need fresh encouragement – don’t believe me. That is the point! Don’t believe me, or other mortals or traditions or philosophies or those who sell beads and amulets or show lists of junior-gods and counterfeit doctrines. Put your faith in “sure things”?

Believe Jesus, not any of them unless they embody, point to, reflect, and embrace Jesus against any other version of “truth.”

Whether people have debated about (or with) Jesus… or avoided Him all their lives… or ignore Him at every turn… it is futile to say that you have not “met” Him. He is, in fact, closer to you than a shadow. He is with you, whether you want Him there or not, because He wants to be with you.

The comedian Orson Bean abandoned secularism and atheism, he said, when he realized that the “hole in our hearts” we all feel, deep down, can only be filled by Jesus. That’s how God made us. And why He sent His Son.

Every person on earth already has a relationship with Jesus. It is just everyone’s choice whether it is an empty, frustrated relationship, or a beautiful, fulfilling, joyful friendship with Him.

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About The Author

... Rick Marschall is the author of 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles in many fields, from popular culture (Bostonia magazine called him "perhaps America's foremost authority on popular culture") to history and criticism; country music; television history; biography; and children's books. He is a former political cartoonist, editor of Marvel Comics, and writer for Disney comics. For 20 years he has been active in the Christian field, writing devotionals and magazine articles; he was co-author of "The Secret Revealed" with Dr Jim Garlow. His biography of Johann Sebastian Bach for the “Christian Encounters” series was published by Thomas Nelson. He currently is writing a biography of the Rev Jimmy Swaggart and his cousin Jerry Lee Lewis. Read More