Monday Morning Music Ministry

Start Your Week with a Spiritual Song in Your Heart

Easter Has Some Riddles and Sayings


I actually am a respecter of what I call “bumper-strip theology.” Sayings, aphorisms, Bible truths that can fit on a bumper strip on cars. Or note cards, or refrigerator notes, even on T-shirts. When lacking in formality or reverence that they threaten to be sacrilegious, no – but usually the wearer or bearer intends to honor God.

And… if there is an easy, attention-getting way to convey Bible truths, it is a good thing. I know one of one example of a lady who first saw the ubiquitous “Footprints” poster in a discount store… was profoundly impressed by the message … and became a devoted Christian. Holy ground? Think about it.

Pretending to possess no such wisdom as the creator of that graphic seashore image and legend, I have however thought of some phrases appropriate for the Easter season… that might encapsulate the Easter message; or the gravity of the Passion of Jesus; or the nature of the Incarnation; or the blessings of the Resurrection.

Bumpers… fridges… bulletin boards… caps and T-shirts… texts… go for it.

You can tattoo on your hearts, too.

Jesus Willed 

To Be Killed


His heart bled… for you


Surrender Led to Victory


What makes you think you’re so special?

…Just because Jesus did?


The world’s first evangelists were women!


He was born to die


Our sins helped drive those nails


He has risen indeed!


He was on the cross,

but you were on His mind


Would you sacrifice YOUR son for strangers?


It is Finished!


I find no fault in this Man.”


Would you have denied Jesus too?


If I be lifted up,

I will draw all people to me.”


Even though I die…”


He died for you while you were yet a sinner


If He’s not in the tomb, where is He?


Render Unto Jesus

Your Everlasting Soul




Father, forgive them…”


Who do YOU say that I am?”


What man meant for evil, God meant for good


Quick: Name another leader who rose from the dead!


For Christ’s sake… Think of what He did for you.


You can tattoo these on your hearts, too.

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Click: Bach’s “We Thank You, God, We Thank You.”

My Apology


Occasionally, maybe more than occasionally if your friendships run a certain way, you chat with religious skeptics or unbelievers. How do your conversations go?

The vast majority of humankind – those who believe in God, or who regard Him in any manner at all – spends a great portion of their “faith lives” explaining themselves to Him. Justifying themselves… asking for forgiveness… praying. Explaining themselves, their lives, to God.

But there are people – pastors, priests, teachers, writers, Christian friends – who take it upon themselves to justify God and God’s ways to humankind, or one-on-one to friends.

And a smaller number of people, quite a small group, unfortunately, explain the nature of God, the ways of God, to humankind and to friends when the opportunities arise. Explain, defend, educate – not “justify” (which depends on our points of view, not His, really). This group is known as “apologists.”

We are not apologizing for anything – how could we apologize, in the contemporary meaning of the word – for God Almighty? Make excuses for His ways? No…

The root of the word “apologetics” is the concept closer to “defending.” In the Bible, a letter by Peter to persecuted young Christians in Asia Minor (I Peter 3:15) says, If you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is within you: yet do it with gentleness and respect.

In this passage – advice that comes down to us through the ages – the defense (not excuse; not justification; not softened explanation) was originally apologia. We must defend God to those who do not know the Truth!

When people ask about “reasons” for God’s workings, or our mature faith, in the letter, that was the word logos, from which many of our familiar words come.

So by Christian apologetics, we defend God by reason and evidence.

Is this such a big deal? Defend? Explain? Persuade? Didn’t Paul say to be all things to all people? Shouldn’t we relate to people in ways they understand?

It is a big deal. You might adopt the pose of explaining away what you think are superficial inconsistencies in the Godhead; or His acts from one millennium to another; or whether He is vengeful or loving; or whether His plan of salvation seems fair. If so – if you mistakenly believe that God needs your help by contradicting His Holy Word – go ahead, but… by the way, you are enabling someone’s descent to hell. If not your own. You would be excusing God, distorting His essence, polluting His message, denying His sovereignty… all while your puny self is misunderstanding Him, and insulting Him.

Defending God instead of explaining or justifying Him immediately assures your listener (and reassures yourself!) that Truth is Truth. There is no need to devise explanations or justifications. It is. Just like God said, “I am.”

And the truth of the Truth does not depend on our opinion of it. Nor our explanation, which is bound to be faulty; nor our justification, which is limited by our human ability to reason. God merely needs defense – (word origins again!) not against arrows and darts; but requires no-nonsense, no-doubt, presentations by reason and evidence.

God does not require our clever justifications. Which makes the calling of the Apologist unique.

So we rely on God’s Word and the evidence in our hearts – we know that God is real; he lives within us! We know that we know that we know. I tell you, that confidence has persuaded more skeptics to accept Christ than any stack of scientific charts and graphs.

We can turn to historical evidence. Or the thousands of fulfilled prophecies. Or the surprising number, lately, of archaeological discoveries that confirm Bible accounts.

We rely, better, on the changed lives, the miracles we witness, the gifts believers exercise. And, yes, the blood of martyrs.

Who would die for a lie?

Millions would not; millions have not; millions do not. But people do die to defend the Truth.

Apologetics, when you read or hear, or if you choose that particular path of sharing the Gospel, is sometimes a rare and lonely profession. But it is the first step to disciple friends; a necessary component of evangelizing strangers. To defend Someone and Something that, ultimately, needs no defense? Yes.

We know that, but the world does not. So we engage in Christian apologetics. It’s what lonely and brave Paul did at Mars Hill. It’s what Jan Hus and Martin Luther did against the raging establishments… of church bureaucrats. It’s what millions of Christians in Communist and Muslim countries do, in our world today.

Can we at least do the same thing at family dinners… at school board meetings… in political discussions?

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Click: He Lives!

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A site for sore hearts -- spiritual encouragement, insights, the Word, and great music!



About The Author

... Rick Marschall is the author of 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles in many fields, from popular culture (Bostonia magazine called him "perhaps America's foremost authority on popular culture") to history and criticism; country music; television history; biography; and children's books. He is a former political cartoonist, editor of Marvel Comics, and writer for Disney comics. For 20 years he has been active in the Christian field, writing devotionals and magazine articles; he was co-author of "The Secret Revealed" with Dr Jim Garlow. His biography of Johann Sebastian Bach for the “Christian Encounters” series was published by Thomas Nelson. He currently is writing a biography of the Rev Jimmy Swaggart and his cousin Jerry Lee Lewis. Read More